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Welcome to the Academic Senate

Building a Future with Integrity and Excellence

The Academic Senate at NCC has celebrated a long tradition of collaborative decision making since the 1960’s. In 2017, The Board of Trustees passed a resolution that directed the College President to revise the shared governance structure and to present to the Board on or before September 1, 2017. The revised Senate bylaws were adopted and its impact on the College governance system has been ongoing.

The Academic Senate is the means by which the members of the faculty provide a voice and represent their respective constituencies. At present, there are 24 Senate committees which actively engage in serving the campus. Our committees address such areas which include curriculum, faculty development, applied learning, academic standing and assessment. There are also special ad hoc committees. The Senate receives proposals from its committees, provides feedback and forward the recommendations to the President for implementation, or where appropriate, for consideration by the Board of Trustees.

The purpose of shared governance is to ensure meaningful faculty participation in institutional governance. The senators and alternates are full-time faculty members and students elected by faculty, students and representatives from the CSEA and AFA respectively. The 10 members of Administration are appointed by the President. The additional nonvoting ex officio members have privileges of the floor, make motions, take part in debates, and enjoy all the other privileges of membership except for voting and being an officer.

As a representative body, we actively solicit your input and questions. Please contact us through our website or by communicating with your department senator.

Senate Office
