Appointment requests for all Academic Senate Standing Committees for the 2014 academic year are being processed. You will receive confirmation regarding your appointment in late August from the Academic Senate Office. If you would still like to apply for an appointment for the 2014 academic year, late requests will be accepted through September 2014. The committee will consider late appointment requests in the Fall.
This committee meets approximately seven times each year at hours agreed upon by committee members. This routinely results in Friday afternoon meetings. Our first meeting takes place in late May/Early June and often lasts two hours. Due to the small size of this committee, no subcommittees are formed. Email communication occurs between meetings, but not during the summer. All committee members are expected to attend all Academic Senate meetings. You need not be a member of the Academic Senate to serve on the Appointment/Tellers/Election committee. Thank you for your interest in A/T/E.
Chair of the Academic Senate or designee from the Executive Committee
Student Government Academic Senate Chair
No fewer than five (5) but no more than nine (9) faculty members and/or administrators, all of whom shall be elected by the Academic Senate.
Student Academic Senators are also eligible for election to this Committee.
One half of the membership shall be elected in even years, the other half in odd years, with no more than one (1) member from any academic department serving concurrently.