- To coordinate developmental education at the College.
- To authorize and supervise an annual needs assessment of the developmental programs
and support services in order to establish priorities for the instructional, physical,
and counseling requirements.
- To encourage faculty development activities in the developmental area.
- To ensure a procedure for appropriate placement and progression of the developmental
- To issue an annual report to the Senate addressing the needs and effectiveness of
the developmental education.
- To provide a forum once a year whereby faculty will have the opportunity to discuss
issues relative to remediation/developmental education.
Standing Representation:
- Chairs of Math/Stat/CMP, English, Reading/Basic Education, Communications, and Student
Personnel Services.
- Dean of Admissions
- Coordinator of the BEP Program
- Coordinator of the Center for Students with Disabilities
- Coordinator of Placement, English Dept
- Coordinator of ESL (English as a Second L:anguage) Placement, English Department,
serving in a non-voting, advisory capacity
- Coordinator of NCC101, serving in a non-voting, advisory capacity
- Coordinator of Placement, Math/CMP /ITE
- Coordinator of Testing
- Representative of the Office of Academic Affairs
- NCCFT Representative
- Student Government Association Representative
- Individual designated by the Office of Academic Affairs to coordinate English as a
Second Language.
Other Representation:
- Three - faculty members (with voice but no vote) appointed by the Appointments/Tellers/Election
Committee, which will assure rotation of representation within the groups listed below:
- Business: Accounting/Business Administration, Hotel/Restaurant, Legal Studies, Management,
Marketing/Retailing/Fashion Buying & Merchanidising/Fashion Design & Interior Design
, Office Technology
- Health Sciences: Allied Health Sciences, Health/Physical Education/Recreation, Mortuary
Science, Nursing
- Humanities: Africana Studies, Art, Foreign Language, Library, Music, Philosophy, Theatre/Dance
- Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering/Physics/Technology, Physical Science
- Social Sciences: Criminal Justice, Economics/Finance, History/Political Science/Geogrpahy,
Psychology, Sociology