Scholarship Awards & Student Aid



  1. To study and recommend to the Academic Senate, policies governing the granting of scholarship awards, student loans and other assistance, subject to the criteria of the donor.
  2. To recommend to the Financial Aid Officer and other involved parties, applicants who meet the Committee criteria for awards and scholarships in the areas of academic achievement, participation in extracurricular activities and/or financial need.
  3. To determine availability of funds for specific award areas and to assign these awards based upon established criteria or upon the specific criteria of the donor.


Standing Representation:

Representative of the Financial Aid Office

Other Representation:

At most forty members shall be appointed by the Appointment/Tellers/Election Committee. No member should be appointed for a third term unless the member has been elected an officer of the Scholarship Awards and Student Aid committee for the upcoming academic year or the forty member limit has not been obtained by all possible current appointment requests

Students appointed by the Student Government Association (SGA) shall comprise twenty (20) percent of the total membership.


Election Procedures

The election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee will be held at the last regularly scheduled meeting in the Spring Semester. The term of office will begin at the conclusion of the meeting. The term of office for Chair and Vice-Chair is two years. The recording secretary and corresponding secretary will be elected at the first regularly scheduled meeting in the Fall Semester. The term of office for recording secretary and corresponding secretary is one year.