Committee Charges





*Denotes Committee Self-Charge
#Denotes New Charge

  1. Perform the duties prescribed in the bylaws as follows:
    1. To solicit members for Appointed Standing Committees of the Academic Senate.
    2. To evaluate credentials, to make appointments to committees, and then to make procedural recommendations to the Academic Senate.
    3. To present its faculty appointments to the Executive Committee of the Senate by July 1 of that year. The Committee shall also appoint members to fill vacancies created by resignation, leave of absence, sabbatical leave, etc., as required, by the next regularly scheduled meetings of the respective committees.
    4. To distribute to the electorate official notification of the election with deadline dates and the various election procedures outlined in the Bylaws.
    5. To prepare, distribute, collect and verify all nominating petitions.
    6. To collect statements from the candidates which are to appear in a special notice in accordance with the Bylaws.
    7. To prepare all ballots and election-related materials in the proper time sequence called for in the Bylaws.
    8. To collect, verify and count all ballots in accordance with the time sequence called for in the Bylaws.
    9. To transmit official results to the Chair of the Academic Senate in accordance with the time sequence called for in the Bylaws.
    10. To maintain all records of an election for thirty (30) days after the official announcement of the election results. After this time, the records shall be destroyed.
    11. To perform all other election-related duties as required by the Chair of the Academic Senate.
    12. College-wide elections pertaining to matters in areas where the Senate has responsibility other than those specified in the NCCFT Collective Bargaining Agreement or Bylaws of the Academic Senate may become the responsibility of the Committee at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate.
    13. If there have not been a sufficient number of petitions submitted for available positions on college-wide elected committees, the Committee may add nominees so that the number of candidates equals the number of open positions. This will not preclude any faculty member from a write-in candidacy.
  2. *Review and revise, as necessary, the Appointments/Tellers & Elections Committee Procedure Manual and provide both a hard copy and an electronic copy to be housed in the Academic Senate office.
  3. *Monitor faculty appointment requests and committee sizes and distributions.
  4. #Consider methods to increase faculty participation in appointed committees including the effectiveness of paper notification of e-form availability and an email to faculty early in the fall informing them that appointment is still possible.
  5. #Work with the College IT department to modify the new Appointed Standing Committee Preference Form (e-form) and the e-report for the Academic Senate Appointed Standing Committee appointment process under the NCC portal system.