Chancellor's Award



  1. To solicit nominations from the faculty, administration, staff, and students through college-wide mailings, ads, and articles in the college newspaper for the SUNY Chancellor's Awards for excellence in the categories of Teaching, Librarianship, and Professional Service.
  2. To assign a mentor who is a former recipient of the Chancellor's Award and not a member of the Committee to assist candidates in completing and submitting a dossier to the committee for review that is to include the candidate's philosophy of education, summary of teaching methods, evidence of scholarship and professional growth,summary of student activities, statement on academic standards, requirements, and evaluation procedures for student performance.
  3. To review and select the dossiers which are forwarded to the President for final decision on candidates for the SUNY Chancellor's Awards.
  4. To assist each nominee in writing the five-page summary report required for the SUNY Chancellor's Award.
  5. To verify that all proper documentation and supporting letters of recommendation are in order.
  6. To forward the completed dossiers to the Chancellor's office in Albany.


 Five - separate Sub-Committees will be established.


Three - Classroom teaching faculty
One - Student
One - Academic Senate Chair's designee
One - Presidential designee
Two - Classroom and/or non-classroom faculty

Professional Service

Four - Eligible Professional Service Personnel (fifty (50) percent of the time spent in non-teaching and/or non-librarian activities)
One - Student
One - Academic Senate Chair's designee
One - Presidential designee
One - Classroom or non-classroom faculty


Three - Library Faculty (librarians and/or technical assistants assigned to the Library Department)
One - Student
One - Academic Senate Chair's designee
One - Presidential designee
One - Classroom or non-classroom faculty

Faculty Service

Three - Classroom and/or non-classroom faculty
One - Student
One  - Academic Senate Chair's designee
One - Presidential designee

Scholarship and Creative Activities

Three - Classroom and/or non-classroom faculty
One - Student
One - Academic Senate Chair's designee
One - Presidential designee