


  1. To make a continuous study of and to recommend educational policy.
  2. To study and evaluate curricula; to recommend changes in curricula and in course requirements for graduation; to recommend approval of new courses. All recommendations are to be reported, together with the official vote, to the Academic Senate.
    1. Acceptance of Curriculum Committee recommendations concerning departmental course or curriculum matters by the Academic Senate shall be automatic, without discussion,unless there is a specific objection. In such an instance, the matters may be rejected or returned to the Collegewide Curriculum Committee for modification. They may not,however, be modified on the floor of the Senate.
    2. ii. Agenda priority shall be granted to proposals that have been returned to committee.
  3. To assume the responsibility for the student/faculty ratio; namely, to evaluate and monitor established departmental student/faculty ratios on an annual basis and recommend changeswhen judged necessary. Any change in the student/faculty ratios of a department must be brought to the Academic Senate, which shall accept the changes as they stand without discussion, unless there is a specific objection by one of the departments affected.
    1. Committee recommendations concerning changes in the student/faculty ratio may be accepted, rejected or returned to the Curriculum Committee for modification. They may not, however, be modified on the floor of the Senate.
    2. Agenda priority shall be granted to proposals that have been returned to committee


Standing Representation:

A representative from the Office for Academic Affairs appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Other Representation:

One - member and alternate who have tenure elected by each academic department of the College
Two - students appointed by the Student Government Association

Non-voting Members:

  1. Associate Vice President for Life Long Learning, or designee
  2. Registrar, or deisgnee
  3. A representative from the Admissions office, appointed by the Dean of Admissions
  4. A representative from the Advisement Center, appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs
  5. A computer liaison, appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.