Department Chairs


  1. To engage in evaluation and recommendation concerning departmental structure.
  2. To promote cooperation between administration and departments.
  3. To examine and make recommendations concerning academic policy.


  • Representative of the Office of Academic Affairs
  • Chair of the Academic Senate
  • All Department Chairs

A department Chairperson shall designate an alternate if she/he is unable to attend a meeting. The alternate shall represent the department in all matters.

Governing Officers

  1. Chairperson
  2. Secretary
  3. Three member executive board

In the absence of the Chairperson, the Secretary of the Chairpersons' Committee will assume all duties of the Chair.

Term of Office:
All officers shall serve two year terms. Elections shall be staggered with no more then three (3) officers elected in any given year.

Election Procedures

  1. Nominations:
    Any Chairperson wishing to run for office shall submit his/her name to the secretary of the Chairpersons' Committee one month prior to the election. These names will be printed in the meeting agenda prior to the meeting in which the elections take place. Nominations will also be taken from the floor on the day elections are held. If more than the prescribed number of persons are nominated for a given position the vote will be taken via a closed ballot.
  2. Election Date:
    The election will be held at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Spring Semester. The term of office will begin on August 20th.
  3. Eligibility to Vote:
    Each member of the Academic Senate Chairpersons' Committee, or designee, shall have one (1) vote.