Committee Charges





*Denotes Committee Self-Charge
#Denotes New Charge

  1. Perform the duties prescribed in the bylaws as follows:
    1. To collaborate with academic departments, academic administrators and student support services to develop a comprehensive first-year experience program for incoming stu¬dents that will assist in their transition to college, foster learning and engage¬ment, improve retention, and invite student participation in the academic and social life of the College.
    2. To conduct curricular and co-curricular programs and activities that connect students with their classmates, their professors, their courses, the campus, and the community
    3. To provide students with shared academic experiences
    4. To engage students in activities that foster a sense of belonging and help develop civic responsibility
    5. To work with other constituencies on campus to better serve first-year students
  2. *Coordinate a common reading program in conjunction with the college-wide theme. Assess the impact of this project on the student experience at the college. Report to the Academic Senate.
  3. *Sponsor the campus-wide Day of Service.
  4. *Maintain, update and promote the FYE blog.
  5. *Continue to develop and promote the Peer Mentoring Program, which provides support and assistance to new students in their transition to college.
  6. *#Collaborate with the Administration to establish a timeline for a mandatory, universal first-year educational experience at NCC. (e.g. attendance at new student orientation, enrollment in NCC 101, and/or participation in freshman learning communities) whose goals would be to (a) acquaint all incoming students with the College’s assumptions, expectations, goals, and resources; (b) improve students’ academic motivation and preparedness; (c) encourage student participation in campus life; and (d) increase students’ sense of comfort and belonging at the College.