Committee Charges





*Denotes Committee Self-Charge
#Denotes New Charge

    1. To recommend policies relating to all areas of international programs.
    2. To receive reports from the International Education Office, to evaluate proposed international programs, and to make recommendations on international education and programs.
    3. To assist in promoting international education by:
      1. Promoting awareness of global relations,
      2. Promoting development of international courses and programs, and
      3. Promoting participation in international studies.
    4. To collaborate with the Office of International Education in providing information to departments and to assist in assessing matters concerning international study programs being prepared by departments.
    5. To assist the administration to assure that any interactions, contacts or programs involving other countries and international institutions are explicitly reviewed and approved by the College administration before commitments or significant interactions are advanced.
  1. *Investigate ways to internationalize the curriculum, including the creation of new courses of international scope.
  2. *Investigate ways to integrate local and international students.
  3. *Continue to explore an international studies certificate for students who may continue their baccalaureate education in International Studies.
  4. *Continue to provide input to the Curriculum Committee with regard to international education, including the process for approving study-abroad courses.
  5. *Organize and implement a Fall event that includes NCC student and faculty participation in conjunction with the State Department’s International Education Week.
  6. *Continue to organize and implement a Spring Speaker Series.
  7. *Work with the Cultural Program and/or other bodies to co-sponsor events.
  8. *Continue to create material, including a newsletter every semester, promoting courses, issues and activities related to International Education and distribute at campus-sponsored events such as the Open House and the Multicultural Fair.
  9. *Support and foster a scholarship fund in conjunction with International Education.